Get rid of Bad Credit
When did your banker last give you some good advice like get rid of bad debt. What your bankers will not tell you when dealing with them might be a nasty lesson for a lot of buyers followed by tough times for years to come. The quadruple jinx of rising rates, higher credit card minimum payments, erratic fuel costs, and depressed home values might be the last straw for plenty of families already living on the edge of bankruptcy.
U.S citizens who lately broke into overpriced home equity, at traditionally low rates, are now seeing an indication of things to come. In a number of cases, consumers are finding themselves in big trouble, owing more than their home is worth. In other cases, low interest rate cards now remit APRs at least 4 % points higher than 2 years gone and issuers have been forced by regulators to double minimum payments on some cardholders who are paying high IRs. Paying $4 per gallon for gas, higher applications, a 30%+ APR for mastercards, and sticking to a 100%+ home equity credit line may push more Americans into foreclosure and then bankruptcy. Don't kid yourself on your present home situation. Get rid of bad credit.
If you are struggling with payments on your house, there's a clause in your contract with the lending establishment that states that they can 'call' the loan in at anytime. That implies quite simply that they can make you pay enough to settle yourself into an equity position or foreclose on the home. Banks are in the business to earn money; it's as simple that. In addition, whilst you are mailing off your home loan payment to your bank, it may very well be forwarded to The Bank of Beijing! That's correct. China now holds over 40% of American home mortgages.
There's a concrete reason that credit card minimums have doubled as well. The card industry will try to fill your head with indoctrination such as: 'they try to help clients get out of debt faster'. What they are really pulling off is this: when you will not make the minimum amount and contact them, they are now trained to look at your credit file and work out how much (if any) equity you may have in your house. They then offer you a consolidation loan with their bank. Should you choose to take them up on their generous offer of a consolidation loan, they then own you. Should you go into arrears on your Visa card, they can take the house! Be careful of wolfs in sheep's clothing. What you do not know is the non-profit buyer credit analysis industry if fueled and subsidized by the credit card industry.
They report to the credit card industry! They also will not make your monthly payments on time, so destroying your credit report any way. I have seen this time and time again, over and over. In brief they are variable rate mortgages. Never in American history have we seen so many folk with no credit files licensed for home loans. Lots of these folks were innocently following the good old American dream and quite naturally, the American dream is to buy as much house as you are able to afford for the longest period of time. Based primarily on this fact, many of us that would not afford that dream house under standard financing managed to afford it by incorporating an ARM loan.
In the long run, this may come back to bite them hard so you must get rid of bad credit. As of this writing, we are already at a record high for repos beginning with Indianapolis in 1st place, Atlanta in 2nd place and Dallas-Ft. Worth in 3rd place. As rates continue to rise people don't take appropriate action, we shall see a plague of repos that will overshadow anything you have seen ever before.